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OCR: Non- Preemsprive Processes Resource Lacking Method Used to Handle Priority inversion RTOS Supplied As Code Samples Ssingle Programs Min Traer Resolution Support for Master Languages Supported Tools Available Standards: Compliant With Any Standards Standardss Assertbler, C, C+t. C. Aprmbler, comForm- Source code (l.anginas " G Aurmbler, comasem- eolive emralli- Asberthier, C, C++ VALLD DOS REXX work Tene TE SMT. SPT. ANSI C AC. M.RMA work topology indca RIK propn rative; cross Acarmhhi. C. Cet M ali popolar C compilers proprietary senat L'O drivers ready -to-link object. yes Cross, Brukes C. C.F, COBRA/1DI. SMT, AT.L. POSIX.1/167 limit D. M Waldsos; Motif work source code. Cand sore Assuntier: varies D.M. work File. 1℃ MCIA? TÉS nunly Mit Asember. C. SMT SOT, X-Windows, linker-DOC-I. Source C++, Forth, Jovial mallithread RMA ciche, newurk toon'pikt assembler DOC.E Ready-to-ink object (com- SHT.SOR. pikrosem Fairel. C. AC.A.C.L. Adı. Fostran, Assorbikr. Linker supplied). Source. Windows, Shotif code wilicerse tian cociplassere C) ready to And. object. RC.L. D. M. MenWare. C. FFT multiprocess Windows 3.199NT Fronty source code. C. vories C. CH AC.L.D. M Bootas pojat, commn itherie protocols, MO subf Sustent file Transfer riative, crossi Assenhler, C. SMT, SDT. JUC.E. D. M. Windows Costi: c-polat, comy Birczy executahle Ads, Assembler, C. SMT. SOT. POSIX.17. 1b.1e. ACED.M. .2, Unx X- Wixchaux, Motif Ready to-unk phjest (com- yes 3s Jys SDT. AC. POSIX 1 AC. D.M. Mikroxc, GNU) process. mal- titbrood work. runtime pro- gram handler. faiuke Renty-no link object yes cross, Trui Assembler, C AC. L.D ILARIARAS Protocols, Ectwork TAR ARM linker), Sovice che TANSI-C toing JAR'ARMY SMIT-system modeling tools SDT - structured desig 1 design tools, AC-autocoder, AC-assemblericompiler, Lefisker, D-demgger, M=monitors, RMA crate monotonie analysis